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Rendering our NFTs onchain

So what about that empty tokenURI?

In this section we'll show one way of rendering metadata and an image onchain for each token. In fact, we'll generate an animated SVG that is unique for each token, and we'll encode it as a data URI in the tokenURI function.

This is a bit of a side quest, but it's a fun one!

What do we mean by "rendering onchain"?

We mean that all the metadata and image are generated directly by the smart contract, and the smart contract itself is the source of truth for the metadata and image.

This is in contrast to the more typical approach of storing metadata and images offchain and using a URI to point to them.

The tokenURI function

The ERC-721 tokenURI function is used to specify a URI that can be accesse to read metadata about a specific tokenId. The metadata is defined according to existing standards and norms to make each NFT viewable in wallets and marketplaces.

OpenSea Metadata Standards

There are a few ways to write NFT metadata, but the most widely used is the OpenSea standard. This standard specifies a JSON object with fields like name, description, and image. Check out the OpenSea docs for an easy introduction.

Types of URIs

In typical cases, these URIs are an http or ipfs protocol. We colloquially call this offchain.

But it's also fine to use a data URI and encode the entire URI onchain, meaning no dependencies on external resources. In this section we'll add an onchain renderer of JSON metadata and an SVG image.

Using an offchain URI

If you prefer to do this the simple offchain way, just implement like this:

/// add an import of LibString in your imports section
import {LibString} from "solmate/utils/LibString.sol";

/// now return a URI concatenated with your tokenId
function tokenURI(uint256) public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return string(abi.encodePacked("my-base-url-here/", LibString.toString(tokenId)));

If you're cool with the above, stop there. But if you like the sound of fully onchain NFTs, read on!

Rendering onchain

Get a Base64 library

Add the vectorized/solady dependency, which has a few libraries we'll need:

forge install vectorized/solady

Create a Renderer library

We need to render a data URI JSON string, which in turn includes a field that is SVG, which we'll also encode as a data URI. To do this, we'll use the Base64 lib from solady, and we'll write a bunch of gnarly json and svg generation code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;

import {LibString} from "solady/Milady.sol";
import {Base64} from "solady/Milady.sol";

library Renderer {
    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        bytes memory jsonData = abi.encodePacked(
            '{"name": "HIPYUSD #',
            '"description": "Open edition, onchain art celebrating PYUSD. 1 PYUSD per mint",',
            '"image": "',
            abi.encodePacked("data:image/svg+xml;base64,", Base64.encode(svg(tokenId))),

        return string(abi.encodePacked("data:application/json;base64,", Base64.encode(jsonData)));

    function svg(uint256 tokenId) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return abi.encodePacked(
            "<svg xmlns='' viewBox='-50 -50 100 100'>",
            "<g id='container' fill='",
            tokenId % 2 == 0 ? "black" : "white",
            "<g class='rotation rotateZ'>",
            "<g class='rotation rotateY'>",
            "<g id='cardBody'>",
            "<rect class='bg' width='100%' height='100%' rx='10' ry='10' />",
            "<svg width='100%' height='66%' y='16%' viewBox='0 0 48 48' >",
            "<path d='M27.8122 9.60547H25.177H19.3683C18.4332 9.60547 17.6115 10.2855 17.4698 11.2206L16.8748 15.0458V15.0742H14.0412C13.2762 15.0742 12.6811 15.6976 12.6811 16.4343C12.6811 17.1993 13.3045 17.7944 14.0412 17.8227H16.4497L16.0247 20.4579L15.9964 20.6562H13.1628C12.3978 20.6562 11.8027 21.2796 11.8027 22.0163C11.8027 22.753 12.4261 23.3764 13.1628 23.3764H15.5713L14.2679 31.622L13.8429 34.3705L13.6162 35.844C13.4462 37.0057 14.3246 38.0541 15.5147 38.0541H17.3281H19.8216H21.8618C22.7968 38.0541 23.5902 37.3741 23.7602 36.439L24.9787 28.8735H25.687H27.9539C33.3092 28.8735 37.6729 24.4532 37.5879 19.0695C37.5029 13.7708 33.0825 9.60547 27.8122 9.60547ZM19.2266 17.8227L27.7838 17.851C28.5489 17.851 29.2006 18.4744 29.2006 19.2678C29.2006 20.0329 28.5772 20.6846 27.7838 20.6846H18.7732L19.2266 17.8227ZM27.8405 26.0966H26.3954H25.7154H24.2703C23.3352 26.0966 22.5418 26.7767 22.3718 27.7117L21.1534 35.3056H16.5064L18.3482 23.4048H27.7838C30.079 23.4048 31.9208 21.5346 31.9208 19.2678C31.9208 17.001 30.0507 15.1309 27.7838 15.1309L19.6799 15.1025L20.105 12.3823H27.9822C31.8358 12.3823 34.9527 15.5559 34.8677 19.4095C34.7543 23.1497 31.6091 26.0966 27.8405 26.0966Z'  />",
            "<text y='85%' x='50%' class='text bold hello'>HIPYUSD ",

    function defs(uint256 tokenId) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        uint256 h = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(tokenId)));
        uint256 cx = h % 100;
        uint256 cy = (h >> 8) % 100;

        return abi.encodePacked(
            "<radialGradient id='gradient' cx='",
            "%' cy='",
            "%' r='1'>",
            "<animate attributeName='r' values='1.5;3;1.5' dur='10s' repeatCount='indefinite'/>",
            gradientStop(h >> 16, 0),
            gradientStop(h >> 17, 50),
            gradientStop(h >> 18, 100),

    function gradientStop(uint256 v, uint256 i) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        return string(abi.encodePacked("<stop offset='", LibString.toString(i), "%' stop-color='", color(v), "' />"));

    function color(uint256 v) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        v = v % 8;
        if (v == 0) return "#61045F";
        if (v == 1) return "#FBA1E7";
        if (v == 2) return "#B552D7";
        if (v == 3) return "#6AD2FF";
        if (v == 4) return "#FDF40F";
        if (v == 5) return "#DD1873";
        if (v == 6) return "#FF6679";
        else return "#830000";

    function styles() internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        return abi.encodePacked(
            "#container{transform:scale(0.9)rotateX(12deg);transform-style:preserve-3d;filter:drop-shadow(0px 0px 2px #000)}",
            "@keyframes rotateY{0%{transform:rotateY(0)}33%{transform:rotateY(-20deg)}66%{transform:rotateY(0deg)}to{transform:rotateY(20deg)}}",
            "@keyframes rotateZ{from{transform:rotateZ(-2deg)}to{transform:rotateZ(2deg)}}",
            "#cardBody{transform:translate(-50%, -50%)}",

Adjust our HelloPYUSD contract

Add an import of our Renderer library:

import {Renderer} from "./Renderer.sol";

And update our tokenURI function to use it:

function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return ""; 
    return Renderer.tokenURI(tokenId); 

We now have some nice metadata and SVG renders that are different with every token. Some examples: