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Solidity Contract

We already used Foundry to initialize our projects. Now we'll write some code.

Create a new smart contract

Let's create a new smart contract file in our src directory. We'll name it src/HelloPYUSD.sol:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.23;

contract HelloPYUSD {}

We're doing a few things in this little bit of code:

  1. Specifying the license of our contract (we're using MIT here, but there are plenty of others to choose from; Use UNLICENSED if you prefer to not specify a license)
  2. Specifying the solidity version. We're using 0.8.23 above.
  3. Creating a totally empty smart contract.

Let's now check if it builds:

forge build

It should! If not, make sure you copied the above correctly. Once it's building, let's commit our code to git:

git add src/HelloPYUSD.sol
git commit -m "Create empty HelloPYUSD smart contract"