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Previewing the Mint

Let's start with our MintPreview component. This will show a preview of the NFT the user will mint.

MintPreview component

We'll create a new file, src/components/MintPreview.tsx. We'll build this as a relatively simple <div> that is square and displays the image of the next token to be minted.

import { useTotalIssued } from "../hooks/helloPyusd";
import TokenImage from "./TokenImage";

export default function MintPreview() {
  const { data: totalIssued, error } = useTotalIssued();

  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;

  return (
    <div className='text-sm text-gray-500 h-auto aspect-square flex flex-row items-center justify-center'>
      {totalIssued !== undefined ? (
        <TokenImage tokenId={totalIssued + 1n} />
      ) : (
        <div>Loading Token ID...</div>

You'll notice we are:

  • Importing the useTotalIssued hook from helloPyusd.ts.
  • Using the useTotalIssued hook to get the total number of tokens minted.
  • Displaying the token image of the next token to be minted.

TokenImage component

We'll create that TokenImage to handle the image display:

import { useMetadata } from "../hooks/helloPyusd";

export default function TokenImage({
}: {
  tokenId: bigint | undefined;
}) {
  const { data: metadata, error, isLoading } = useMetadata(tokenId!);
  if (isLoading) {
    return <span>Loading Metadata...</span>;
  if (!metadata) {
    return <span>Error: {error?.message}</span>;
  return <img src={metadata.image} className='w-full h-full aspect-auto' />;

Here we are:

  • Using our useMetadata hook to get the metadata for the token.
  • Using the metadata to display the image of the token.

How it should look

You should now see a preview of the token you're about to mint in your app!

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